Saturday, 11 August 2018

Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body: Qigong for Lifelong Health by Bruce Frantzis

Imagine the body to be full of water, with the water being slowly let out from the bottom of your feet.  As the water level drops, dissolve everything at the new level – front, back and sides. 

The energy gates are major relay stations of the body, where the strength of the life current (chi) moving through the system is regulated. Many gates are located at joints or, more precisely, in the actual space between the bones of a joint.  These gates should not be conceived of as simple anatomical locations.  They must be felt with the mind, for they are part of your subtle energy body.

He then demonstrated what he meant with two piles of coins.  He put the first pile in a paper bag and laid a knife next to it.  He said, “you want sung be like money.  Make body be like money.”  Then he took the knife and cut the bag.  The coins poured out (letting go of physical tension), fell (releasing chi downward), separated (loosening the insides of the body), scattered over the floor and soon stopped moving (the body fully sung). 

Strengthening and balancing the energy of your mind enhances your ability to detect subtle nuances and to perceive the world and its patterns at every increasing levels of complexity.  People who do not practice some form of energy development may never acquire these abilities.