Wednesday 21 November 2018

You Are Your Choices: 50 Ways to Live a Good Life by Alexandra Stoddard

The good life demands that we make the right choices most of the time, no matter how difficult they may be.

You are unique.  You ought to do what no others can do, fulfilling your needs in vastly different ways.  Your destiny is not predestined.  You create your destiny every day, not by chance, but by choice.  Destiny is an achievement.  The power to achieve it is in your choices.

A well-lived life is not an accident.

Never mistake your choice to live a good life for selfishness.  This is what all of us ought to be choosing.

Be honest with yourself and learn the difference between your needs and your wants.  All of our real needs are good for us.

Say yes to the best choice while remaining flexible.  Stay attuned to whether your choice continues to be appropriate and in your best interest.

Our power and strength lie in our ability to discipline our passions, to react in the right manner as we meet circumstances head on.  You are choosing your ideal way of life, breath by breath, choice by choice.

Use No as your teacher.

Until you exercise your power to be honest with yourself and others, you are going to feel trapped, believing you have little control over your destiny.

When you say no to something, someone else will gladly embrace saying yes.  The universe will provide for everyone who makes sincere choices.

What you don't do is as important as what you do.

A well-lived life is not always about winning or losing, but playing the game, doing our best learning from the process, and accepting that there is grace and dignity in being a good loser.  The good life doesn't require us to be number one. 

When you greet life choice by choice, detail by detail, aware of how much more happiness you can experience when you deliberately make the most of every human experience, you will be living a good life.

When we ritualize our life, we expose goodness and hidden beauty everywhere.

There's no place to go and hide in life.  Your job, your duty, your responsibility is to make the most you can of you.

Life is going to naturally cause us discomfort over the years, no matter what our choices.

We can change our life by as much as 50% by retraining our minds and attitudes.

The world may or may not be a good world overall, but it is possible, in fact it is vital, to make that part of the world where you live as good as it can be. 

There is always a bigger picture than we are aware of.  We never see the complete picture, though through thoughtful contemplation of the ultimate mysteries, we experience a more spacious awareness.

Opportunity comes to us in times of chaos and crisis.

A ten-minute brisk walk produces positive feelings and increased energy for up to two hours afterward.

People who participate in an aerobics class 2-4 times  a week for 8 to 10 weeks have an increased set point of happiness and reduced clinical depression and anxiety.

The most intelligent way to move in the direction of a good life is to live each day, each experience, as authentically as we can, with integrity, honesty, and courage.