Thursday 7 March 2019

What Smart Couples Know: The Secret to a Happy Relationship by Patricia Covalt

Being the right person is much more important than finding or being with the right person.

Your feelings are often the result of your thoughts.  It is your appraisal or evaluation of a situation that causes a particular feeling and not always the situation itself.

If you want to be mentally healthy (and who doesn’t?) you can learn to shape your reality in a direction that builds your self-esteem, gives you a belief in your personal efficacy, and helps you have an optimistic view of your future.

Appropriate conflict management usually requires taking ownership and being able to apologize when you have been wrong, hurtful, or out of line.

[Self-efficacy] means you believe you are in charge of most of the outcomes of your life and have a sense of personal power to reach your goals and overcome obstacles.