Thursday 4 July 2019

Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved by Kate Bowler

"Everything happens for a reason" or "God is writing a better story".  Apparently God is also busy going around closing doors and opening windows. He can't get enough of that.

I became certain that when I died some beautiful moron would tell my husband that "God needed an angel", because God is sadistic like that.

In a spiritual world in which healing is a divine right, illness is a symptom of unconfessed sin -- a symptom of a lack of forgiveness, unfaithfulness, unexamined attitudes, or careless words.

We were comically poor. Not poor like sweet church mice.  Poor like people who worried we would get scurvy because we couldn't afford to buy oranges.

They are teaching me the first lesson of my new cancer life -- the first thing to go is pride.

Perhaps that is the most oddly comforting thing about joining the Mennonite club: they insist that suffering never be done alone.

There are no setbacks, just setups.  There are no trials, just tests of character.  Tragedies are simply opportunities to claim a bigger, better miracle.

I don’t know what the word "trust" means anymore, except there are moments when I realize that it feels a lot like love.

I read an article about how people in grief swear because they feel the English language has reached its limit in a time of inarticulate sorrow.