Friday 28 June 2019

The Nectar of Chanting: Sacred Texts and Mantras Sung in the Ashrams of Swami Muktananda

Swadhyaya [chanting and reciting sacred texts] increases inner radiance, mental vigour, and agility. 

The syllable gu is darkness, and the syllable ru is said to be light. There is no doubt that the Guru is indeed the supreme knowledge that swallows (the darkness of) ignorance.

Ganesha, you are served by the assemblage of ghosts, and you eat sweet wood-apples and blackberries. You are Uma's son, the destroyer of sorrows.

[Kubera] has eyes and mouths on all sides.  His arms and feet are everywhere.  He gives arms to men and wings to birds.  He is the one Lord who creates both heaven and earth.

There is one fire that enters the world and assumes the forms of the objects which it enters; likewise, the one inner Self of all beings assumes the forms of whatever It enters, while continuing to exist outside all forms.

Hari rooted out his own lotus-eye to replace a single flower that was missing from His offering of a thousand lotuses to Your feet.  His exuberance of devotion was transformed into the Sudarshana Chakra, the discus which remains alert to protect the three worlds.