Tuesday 17 April 2018

The Path of Energy: Awaken Your Personal Power and Expand Your Consciousness by Dr Synthia Andrews

Einstein’s groundbreaking equation e=mc2 explains that energy and matter are the same substance separated only by their rate of vibration.  Energy and matter live in a perpetual dance of transformation: energy entrained in matter, matter released back to energy.

All emotions have function; however, if they’re not processed and integrated, they become an unconscious filter in the lens through which you see life and an unconscious director of your actions. 

When you’re receiving energy information and it encounters a charged area in your field, the emotional content will be stimulated.   Instead of receiving current information about your environment, you receive information about your habitual patterns that reflect past trauma.  To discern the difference, ask yourself which it is:  current information about the situation, or stored information about the past.  Just ask the question, and then pause and wait for an answer.  If the information is about you, deactivate it by sending it into the earth.  Then ground, center and open to receive an accurate read in present time. 

Stopping a psychic attack:  simply acknowledging that a psychic attack is under way removes a considerable amount of its force.  Attacks use your fear and confusion to gain strength.  When you take this away, the power over you can be, in some cases, completely eliminated.