Friday, 18 August 2017

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

All quotes from Gabrielle’s book

It’s our resistance to love that keeps us in the dark. 

The practice of being on a spiritual path isn’t about being the best meditator, or the kindest possible person, or the most enlightened. The practice is about surrendering to love as often as possible. 

I take responsibility for the world I create by making love a habit. 

You see the world that you have made, but you do not see yourself as the image-maker. 

Our own interpretation determines our perception of the reality we experience. 

Our happiness is a direct reflection of how quickly we can restore our fear back to love. 

It’s helpful to keep in mind that the world is your classroom and other people are your assignments. 

Take a deep, honest look at the situation that’s causing you pain, and identify all the ways that person or circumstance is triggering your fear-based beliefs. 

Underneath all our difficult experiences are unfelt anger, resentment, and fear. 

True healing occurs when you give yourself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers. 

Your fear has made you feel separate from others and disconnected from love. 

Your power lies in your ability to change your energy at any time to increase the likelihood of being the recipient of high-vibe, loving energy. 

Your intentions create your reality. 

The universe picks up what you put out. 

Remember that joy is the catalyst for all that is good in the world. 
When we surrender our intentions and feel energized by the infinite possibilities, we will be amazed by how fast the universe responds. 

When we live in love, we live a miraculous life. 

Miracles become involuntary when we make turning to love a habit. 

Walk through life leaning on your faith. 

It’s important to witness the difficult situations in your life through the lens of love. Choose to see them as an opportunity to surrender to your spiritual practice even more. 

The amount of flow and synchronicity we experience can be measured by the depth of our spiritual connection. 

We use judgment to avoid the feeling of our own inadequacy, insecurities, and lack of self-worth. 

Witness your judgment without judgment, accept that you have chosen fear, and be open to receive the help you’re calling for. 

Love accepts. Whenever you notice yourself caught up in judgment or attack, remember that you chose to see it from a sense of separation and fear. 

Attack, pain, fear, judgment, and any form of separation are merely calls for help. 

The presence of fear is your resistance to love.