Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Why Good Things Happen to Good People by Stephen Post and Jill Neimark

Giving is the one kind of love you can count on, because you can always choose it:  it's always within your power to give.

Giving in high school predicts good physical and mental health all the way into late adulthood.

Teens who volunteer make healthier life choices.

Forgiving others improves health more than being forgiven.

Our first response to harm is to protect ourselves, seek safety, and find ways to conserve our well-being.  Anger, fear, hurt, and resentment are actually emotional coping techniques that help us do just that. 

Understand forgiveness as a form of enlightened self-interest, a gift that you give yourself by learning whatever good lessons you can from an event. 

Apologies heal because they restore self-respect and dignity for both individuals.

Marriage can flourish only if we are giving.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Color: A Practical Guide to Color and Its Uses in Art by Walter Foster

Color is a phenomenon of perception…. Colors are actually wavelengths of light.

Light is the source of all color.

The colors that we see when light strikes an object are the result of certain wavelengths (individual colors) being absorbed by the object while other wavelengths are being reflected back to us.  Those reflected back to us are the colors that we see.

A hue is a color in its purest form, a color plus white is a tint, a color plus gray is a tone, and a color plus black is a shade. 

Just as white is considered the opposite of black, red is the opposite of green.

When used within a work of art, warm colors seem to advance toward the viewer, and cool colors appear to recede into the distance.

To begin understanding how light affects an object, think of it as though it is made up of three basic parts:  lights, local color, and shadows.

The eye processes yellow first.

Violet is the most difficult color for the eye to pick up, because it has the shortest wavelength in the light spectrum. 

During Roman times, it took 4 million crushed mollusk shells to produce one pound of purple pigment.

Monday, 28 May 2018

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

When people are not expressing their full potential, they often get illnesses that have vague, hard to diagnose symptoms.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant

Resilience is the strength and speed of our response to adversity.

Recovery does not start from the same place for everyone.

There are two different emotional responses to the pain of others:  empathy, which motivates us to help, and distress, which motivates us to avoid.

Labelling negative emotions makes them easier to deal with.  The more specific the label, the better.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Pueblo Crafts by Ruth Underhill

Pueblo people feel that clay and rocks, like animals and plants, have their own feelings, and that man must live on kindly terms with them. 

In many pueblos, making moccasins for the girl he was to marry came to be the sign of a young man's competence.

Any skinworker already had deer brains boiled and put away.  These were removed as soon as an animal was killed, boiled a short time, then wrapped in cornhusk so they would keep.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Midnights With the Mystics: A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and Cheryl Simone

Your body is on loan from the planet.  All the countless numbers of people who have lived on this planet before you and me have all become topsoil, and so will you. This planet will collect back atom by atom what it has loaned to you. 

Love is not what you do. Love is what you are.

The moment your mind says that someone or something is not okay, you cannot love.

If you want to live sensibly and joyfully, it is extremely important that you do not fool yourself. 

There is no you; there is just an accumulated past. 

Who you are right now, your whole personality, everything that you are, is a complex accumulation of your impressions of life itself.  This is like your software.  This is what is referred to as karma.  It is the volume of your impressions.  Everything you have perceived has imprinted itself on your mind and even on your energy.  The very way your body behaves, the very way your energies behave, is a result of the past impressions of your karma. 

If you stop gold plating your limitations, if you stop seeing your shackles as ornaments that you wear and are proud of, then it is very simple and you are on fulltime.  Please see how many deceptive ways you seek support for your limitations from the people around you.

Most people who claim to be adventurous avoid adventure every chance they get.

Life around you will respond and create itself to match the way you are and not the way you or the people around you think you are.  What you think about yourself is existentially irrelevant.

Cultivated devotion is not devotion, just deception.

Without grace nobody really gets anywhere. 

What is really meant instead of “I love you” is “I have some needs I want to fulfill”.

Most people don’t want truth.  They just want solace. 

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Family of Light: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living by Barbara Marciniak

We ask you once again to consider what your life has been teaching you lately, what your body has been saying, what mirrors you have experienced, and how you have interacted with it all. 

Become aware of yourself as a valuable being, knowing that your every thought seeds the future.

The distressing, disturbing, and disruptive experiences that may come your way may actually be there for you to heal them and not for you to feel wounded or affronted by.

The wealth of an age is determined by your ability to shift your perception.

The universe and all you experience are inherently built on love, a love so grand that it allows evil its own reign, knowing that even within evil there is a purpose.

Sometimes you overfocus on “how” something will happen rather than putting your attention on “what” you want to occur.  It is important for you to emphasize what you want. “I want to be well, I want to be creative, I want to meet more people, and have more meaningful work.  I want more abundance.  I want to travel and explore the opportunities that exist in the world. I want love.  I want new ideas”. These statements set the direction for your arrows of intent, allowing the unfolding of multidimensional consciousness to be attracted to you according to the vibration in your field.

It is essential for you to grasp that you are multidimensional creatures. 

Friday, 18 May 2018

The Awakened Millionaire: A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement by Joe Vitale

Whatever mental blocks, limiting beliefs, and counterintentions are lying in wait within us, we must realize that the simple saying, "I'm going to change my mind", will not always work.  In fact, it usually doesn't.  Our subconscious minds resent and resist our desire for change.

A mantra of victims is "It is what it is". It leaves little room for hope, change, or action.

Surrendering is a high spiritual act when you are surrendering to your highest ideals; it's a poor act of victim mentality when you surrender to circumstances you honestly don't like.

Feeling uncomfortable should and can be a sign that you are progressing.

Whenever you get upset, you've gone unconscious. 

Life is a big Choose Your Own Adventure book.  Nowhere is that more apparent than when we look at how we each react to failure.  The choices we make in moments of failure are some of the most impactful of our lives…. There is only one option to fail and give up in this story.  There are many options to move forward, make discoveries, make changes, and shake things up.  A million ways to move forward.

A little-known secret to attracting success in all areas of life is to look for the win-win-win in every relationship.

Love everyone involved in your negotiation and partnership and you'll naturally attract the win-win-win.

Fear is the Great Feedback.

Fear lets you know you're on the right path.  If you do not feel that fear, it might mean you are not pushing yourself close enough to your true potential as an Awakened Millionaire.

Do you ever blame others for your problems in life? Victimhood.  Do you ever complain about the situation you're in? Victimhood.  Do you ever complain about your friends, your family, your neighbors, or even strangers? Victimhood.

Where you find sheer joy, you find passion.  Where you find excitement, you find passion.  Where you find enthusiasm, you find passion.

In every moment you have a choice.  You can see the limitation before you, or you can see the abundance before you.  Life is an optical illusion.  What you see depends on your mindset.

In every decision, there is a choice:  come from love or come from ego. 

Abundance is the reality of balance and sufficiency.

Any action, even a baby step, is moving in the right direction.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself by Dr Eric Pearl

If you are a healer, or wish to become one, your task is to simply listen, then to open yourself up to receive the energy that allows you to become the catalyst for the healing of your patient.  The healing is a decision reached between the patient and the universe.

Recognizing that "healing" means reconnecting with the perfection of the universe, we realize that the universe knows what we need to receive and what we are to gain as a result of it.  The thing is, what we need may not always correspond with what we expect or think we want.

Fear is the only thing standing between you and anyone, you and anything.

We cannot come from love while we reinforce the concept of fear. 

Our worthiness has already been established merely by our being. It's wonderful to aspire to become a better person; we are   here to learn and evolve.  Yet the degree to which we accomplish these aims do not determine our worthiness.  We have nothing we need to prove or accomplish, nothing to do become deserving.

Techniques are essentially rituals intended to bring you into a particular state of being.

A human's physical senses are not separate from one another.  They all utilize the same energy, but at different points on the bar.  For example, light and sound are both (at least in one sense) vibrations -- but at very different frequencies.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

The Rules Do Not Apply: A Memoir by Ariel Levy

Writing is communicating with an unknown intimate who is always available.

"Everybody doesn’t get everything". It sounded depressing to me at the time, a statement of defeat.  Now admitting it seems like the obvious and essential work of growing up.  Everybody doesn’t get everything: as natural and unavoidalbe as mortality.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Chakra Yoga: Balancing Energy for Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Well-being by Alan Finger and Katrina Repka

The chakras are where we receive, assimilate, and distribute our life energies.  And through external situations (the pressures of life) or internal habits (poor physical alignment or self-destructiveness), a chakra can become imbalanced.

Think about your own life.  Have you ever had days when you felt "rushed off your feet" or "a little off center"? We use these expressions without really thinking about their meaning, but they imply that Muladhara chakra is out of balance.

Each chakra corresponds to a specific part of your foot. The bone of your heel corresponds to Muladhara chakra and is your solid base.  The outside flesh of the heel links to Svadhishthana chakra, which is motivation and movement.  Manipura chakra is the outer arch of the foot, related to the lumbar curve.  Anahata chakra is the ball of the foot, which lifts you as a you move through the air.  Vishuddha chakra is in the toes that launch you forward into space.

Anahata, which means "unstuck sound", is the spiritual center of the heart.

Manipura is the home of your fire element and literally means "city of gems". 

The second chakra, Svadishthana, means "the favored place" or "the place of sva", the place of self.

Muladhara is the base of our being and the center of our physical world. 

From the moment your first cells divide, nadi exists, even before the beat of your heart.

Vishuddha chakra is the center of extreme purification.  When it is in balance, it purifies all of the chakras and brings harmony into your being.

Ajna chakra controls the chakras and oversees the management of the elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space)…. Ajna chakra holds universal intelligence, Mahat, which is the blueprint for creation. Following Mahat's blueprint, Ajna mixes karma with the elements to bring each of your chakras to life.

Karma, derived from the root kri, means "action"; it is a mass of energy that is the impetus for your existence and your motivation for growth.

There are three types of karma: sancita karma (past karma): the accumulation of karma from past lives that is seeking expression.  Prarabhda karma (present karma): karma that is happening in the present  moment. It works off the debts of the past and projects into the future.  Agami karma (future karma): karma acquired in the present lifetime that will come to fruition in the future.

Sahasrara directs prana into Ajna chakra, where it is combined with karma and the elements and distributed through all of the other chakras to be used in life.

Sanskrit evolved as a language with a purely spiritual purpose…. Each term in Sanskrit has such a profound meaning that it is very difficult to find its equivalent in English.  Translating a word from Sanskrit is like opening a folder in your computer: inside there are more folders containing more information.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Thinking, Fast & Slow by Daniel Kahneman

We are prone to overestimate how much we understand about the world and to underestimate the role of chance in events.

Anything that occupies your working memory reduces your ability to think.

Much like the electricity meter outside your house or apartment, the pupils offer an index of the current rate at which mental energy is used.

Intelligence is not only the ability to reason; it is also the ability to find relevant material in memory and to deploy attention when needed.

Your actions and your emotions can be primed by events of which you are not even aware.

When in a good mood, people become more intuitive and more creative but also less vigilant and more prone to logical errors.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

Trauma treatment starts at the foundation of a body that can sleep, a body that can rest, a body that feels safe, a body that can move. 

Friday, 11 May 2018

The Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka

Prana is merely a form of energy used by the Ego in its material manifestation.

With the Ego in control, cohesion exists and the atoms are held together by the Will of the Ego.

The oxygen in the air is appropriated by the blood and is made use of by the circulatory system.  The prana in the air is appropriated by the nervous system, and is used in its work.

From the tiniest atom to the greatest sun, everything is in a state of vibration.  There is nothing in absolute reset in nature.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

When Buddhists Attack: The Curious Relationship Between Zen and the Martial Arts by Jeffrey K Mann

Finally, at dawn or the seventh day, Siddhartha's years of effort and striving came to an end with a full and complete awakening to the truth.  From this moment  on, he would be known as Buddha, the awakened one.  At the age of thirty-five had realized the truth, without the benefit of another's direction, achieving and absolute and full enlightenment -- an accomplishment so rare that the next time this is expected to happen will be in more than five billion years with the advent of the future Buddha Maitreya.

We must understand that Buddhism does not provide access to something new or different. It does not offer us something we do not have.

Takuan taught, "You should not place your mind within yourself.  Bracing the mind in the body is something done only at the inception of training, when one is a beginner". If you are only aware of yourself, you are not aware at all.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

How to Live a Good Life: Soulful Stories, Surprising Science & Practical Wisdom by Jonathan Fields

In a world where awareness and intention long ago lost the battle to mindless surrender, we're not even the exception.  For years, if not decades, we've been living with an undiagnosed condition: Reactive Life Syndrome.  Living each day not by choice, but by default.

If you're like the average person, you will check your smartphone more than 150 times.  You'll lose more than three hours in the process and end up on Facebook without even thinking about it.

Before you can make intelligent decisions, before you can stop reacting and start acting, you need to cultivate the ability to hit pause.  To slow down just a bit, reconnect with who and what matters, to see what is really happening in the moment, to consider whose agenda you're responding to, then deliberately choose your actions based on that awareness and intention.

Sleep loss is associated with a 200 percent rise in cancer and a 100 percent rise in heart disease. 

When truth meets joy, radiance ensues.

Fast and busy are a choice.

Belonging begins with safety.  There needs to be an understanding, either explicit or strongly implied, that this is a place and a relationship where you feel safe enough to be the real you.

Real happiness comes not when you choose to be happy, but when you discover the things that will make you happy and then do them.  

Sunday, 6 May 2018

When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Mate

Our relationships help shape our physiology.

The nervous system of the gut contains about one hundred million nerve cells --- we have as many in the small intestine alone as there are in our entire spine!  These nerves do more than coordinate the digestion and absorption of food and the elimination of waste --- they also form part of our sensory apparatus. The gut responds to emotional stimuli by muscle contractions, blood flow changes and the secretion of a multitude of biologically active substances. Such brain-gut integration is essential for survival.  In turn, the gut is abundantly supplied with sensory nerves that carry information to the brain.  Quite to the contrary of what was believed until recently, nerve fibres ascending from the intestines to the brain greatly outnumber ones descending from brain to gut. 

Friday, 4 May 2018

Children of the Broken Treaty: Canada's Lost Promise and One Girl's Dream by Charlie Angus

Indian Affairs had allocated a mere $10,000 to control tuberculosis for 300 bands across Canada (about 105,000 people [between 1891-1896]).  In comparison, the city of Ottawa (with about the same population) had a medical budget of $342,000.

The Department of Indian Affairs, which treated problems at schools the same way that it treated other problems on reserves.  When the department is forced to confront a serious issue on a reserve, it seems to have a defacto four-point response: 1. Ignore the problem; 2. If ignoring doesn’t make it go away, stall for time; 3. If forced to take action, pay for a study on the basis that the facts need to be determined first; and 4. If a problem persists, repeat the pattern.

Between 1995-2003, Indian Affairs spent $1.9 billion on water and sewage plants for First Nations in Canada.  But there was little to show for such expenditures.  In 2005, 38 First Nation communities in Ontario alone were on long-term boiled water advisories.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Chinese Qigong Illustrated by Yu Gongbaos

Qi comes from willpower, just as plants imbibe nourishment from their roots in the earth.  When the soil is good, the plants will flourish.  

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The Firestarter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms by Danielle LaPorte

You become a trailblazer by virtue of being your genuine self. 

Authenticity is the muscle that helps you shake up beliefs, policies, and restraints, and gives you the strength to do the things some say can't be done.

Being genuine is the foundation of integrity -- often inconvenient and not always painless -- but the only way to go if you're here to really, truly, fully live.

Self-doubt is so insidious that it not only renders us stuck in our lives, but it also actually weakens our ability to dream about what living unleashed would look like.

Ultimately, it's your call. Even when stuff seems out of your control, you get to choose how you respond -- or react -- to everything.

Passion is in the wind in your sails, and practicality is the rudder.  You need both.

You can meditate till your sit bones are blue, pray, process, train, affirm, think positive, therapize, and if you're still not a calmer, more generous person who speaks kindly to the waiter or takes traffic jams in stride, then maybe how you measure the results of your questing needs to be recalibrated.

If you're spirit fatigued for long enough, you will downshift into unconscious enduring.  You endure the doubt, and the gray hue, and the disconnectedness.

Wisdom comes from embracing contrasting experiences.

If you try to keep your most sacred ambitions off of your weekly calendar and your most genuine traits off of your resume, then you're missing out on the power of real integrity.

Your most valuable currency is what comes most naturally to you.

So many people are looking for it: their Big Life Purpose.  Becoming you is your purpose.  You are the very purpose of your existence.

The path of least resistance isn't about shortcuts, cutting corners, or being clever.  And it's certainly not about making mediocrity acceptable.  It's about optimizing the truth.

Within the constraints of morality and maturity, you should do whatever you need to do to feel gratified in the moment.

Hesitation can be a form of wisdom. Motives become clearer; new information shows up.

Enthusiasm is a fantastic indicator of where your true strength lies.

Typically we come up with our to-do lists, our bucket lists, and our strategic plans -- all the stuff we want to have, get, and experience outside of ourselves.  All of those aspirations are being driven by an innate desire to feel a certain way.  What if, first, we got clear on how we actually wanted to feel within ourselves, and then we designed our to-do lists?

First, get clear on how you want to feel.  Then, do stuff that makes you feel that way.

Forget about being impressive and commit to being real.

Let people see the full scope of what you're doing. You can be modest and powerful.

Freedom starts when you can identify the aggravation you've been accommodating for so long.

All visions come with a how-to strategy if you look more closely at them.

It takes courage to be creative, vocal, vulnerable, and it takes stamina, because if you want the best out of life, life will demand the best out of you.

Like all of your emotions, fear just wants to be seen and heard.... Pay attention to it, but whatever you do, no not do what fear tells you to do.

Fear will tell you to contract.  Open.  Fear will tell you to plow ahead. Pull back and wait.  Fear will tell you not to rock the boat.  Dive in.

No matter the reason or the source, criticism is an opportunity for you to practice the fine art of dignity.

It's often best to do the opposite of what your fear is telling you to do.

You don't need to waste energy protecting your ego.

Trying to convince everyone that you're right is not the best use of energy.

You simply cannot plant seeds of misery today and expect to get a juicy harvest next season.

When something doesn't feel right, that's reason enough.  And that is the only reason that you need to say no to something.

Don't assume that the best ideas will come to you.

Say thank-you for what's on its way to you. Go meet it halfway.

Consistency wins.  Keep on being yourself, relentlessly.

The key to successful collaborations is respect, admiration, and the intention that you'll make something better together than you would apart.

Whatever is on your plate got there because you said yes to it.

Most often, busy is a choice.

Get clear on your desired life. Then you'll be clear on your purpose for money. Then you can match your purpose with your actions.  This is the heart of lifestyle design.

We're getting conditioned to think that little effort and quick results are the rule, not the exception.

Minimum effort for maximum results is a brilliant productivity goal. But it doesn't translate to doing your homework, being prepared, or growing your value over time.

Leaps include doubt, faith, and -- most often-- satisfaction.

Even setbacks are progress.

Create your support system before crisis comes.

Giving is the antidote to emptiness.

"I'll figure it out" is the mantra of choice.

Doubt is part of the creative process.  Examine it as soon as it surfaces.  Appreciate that it keeps you alert.

Ask yourself what you're going to give up to get where you want to go.  You can't have it all or do it all.  But you can always have and do great things.

Don't let the desire for perfection become procrastination.

Do what you say you're going to do.  This is the single most powerful behavior for success.

We can't control the outcomes of our wishes; we can control only the wishing.

Accomplishing great things quickly isn't a function of a broader focus; it's a function of laser focus.  Ask yourself what you're going to have to give up in order to pull it off.

Part of being practical is knowing just what it takes to make amazing stuff -- it takes a lot of fantastic, hard work.

Balance doesn't exist, but proportion and harmony do.

To be a whole person we need to fully recognize that we have these very distinct parts of our life, and that each part needs to be honored and tended to.

It's not the imbalances of life that will get you down -- it's doing meaningless things that aren't taking you where you want to go.