Friday 8 September 2017

Lifestorming by Alan Weiss and Marshall Goldsmith

All quotes from Alan & Marshall’s book

Bombarded by external triggers and expectations, we can easily fall into roles and patterns established for us by other people. 

The evolving you is not a moving target, but pursues a moving target.

Victims have no inclination to create their own change initiatives.

Old friends and old habits tend to stick together. 

When it comes to our interactions with others -- how we treat each other -- "good enough" sets the bar too low. 

You create your legacy everyday, not at the end of your life. 

Money and time are not resources; they are priorities. 

The evolutionary journey from surviving to thriving requires a sort of global positioning system. You have to identify the next steps, recognize the next level, and understand how to seal the doors behind you. 

We are often slowed because we're expecting people to keep up with us rather than finding friends who force us to speed up. We take our time because we're comfortable. 

It's not sufficient to have aspirational ideals. We need focused, targeted behaviors to support the journey toward that moving target.

What we believe -- about the police, the system, coworkers, ourselves, or anything else -- creates the attitudes that inform our behavior. 

When we fear what is approaching, we tend to withdraw, procrastinate, and deny. 

Uncertainty undermines critical thought processes.  Instead of finding causes of problems, or creating outcomes for decisions, we take refuge in inaction. 

Confrontation does not have to be hostile.  It's merely the act of sorting the true from the false, the real from the unreal. 

Beliefs form attitudes that are manifest in behavior. 

Don't look for blame; find the causes of obstacles and then work to remove them.  

Failing is a learning experience.

You're responsible for creating your own support. 

Share credit, accept blame. 

We need people who can stretch us, provide new viewpoints, supply differing perspectives, and challenge our beliefs. 

Aim for evolutionary reinvention.  Your journey should be one of continually becoming a new, improved person. 

It's better to know why we're good than that we're good.