Sunday 8 October 2017

How to Be Here by Rob Bell

All quotes from Rob's book

What would it look like for you to approach tomorrow with a sense of honor and privilege, believing that you have work to do in the world, that it matters, and that it’s needed, that you have a path and you’re working your craft?

Stop thinking about shit that ain’t happenin.

There are always two risks.  There’s the risk of trying something new, and there’s the risk of not trying it.

Failure is simply another opportunity to learn.

Sometimes we don’t throw ourselves into it because we believe that small things are beneath us.  What we don’t understand is that what appears to be the small things are actually the big things.  They’re where it starts, and throwing yourself into that inevitably creates new opportunities for you.

Surrendering the outcomes is making peace with the lack of control over how people respond to us and our work.

Surrendering the outcomes is coming to terms with the freedom people have to react to us and our work however they want.  Surrendering the outcomes is embracing the fact that there are no guarantees when it comes to results.

If you are looking for a particular response to bring you joy, the response may never come.

Sabbath is when you spend a day remembering that efficiency and production are not God’s highest goals for your life.  Joy is.

Find your rituals, develop your routines, create those practices that ground and center you.

Life is too short to help make a world you don’t want to live in. 

Suffering and loss have this extraordinary capacity to alert and awaken us to the gift that life is.

“You” hasn’t been attempted before.