Friday 2 February 2018

The Essential Yoga Sutra with Geshe Michael Roach and Christie McNally

All quotes from Michael and Christie's book

Pain is real – yes – and it really hurts people.  But we can only stop it if we can stop misunderstanding where it comes from.

Stop seeing things the wrong way.

Most of our perceptions during the day are triggered by some outside object: seeing an apple is set off by the apple --- in a sense the seeing depends on, or hinges upon, the apple.

We begin with a daily inner practice.  It will always include three essential elements: being careful never to hurt others; learning to pray or meditate; and relentlessly exploring the question of where things really come from.

We very much come from how we treat others.

Meditation is a serious tool.  We need to use it to fix ourselves and the world, forever.  Using meditation only to feel good for a while is like a surgeon taking the anesthesia himself, leaving the patient to die on the operating table.

Awareness is to be present: to be here now, not wrapped up in what’s happened or might happen.

The highest form of awareness is to keep our mind on where the things that happen to us are really coming from.

If a young child falls into a fire, her mother moves quickly.  People having a normal life in this world are in much more danger than the child.

The things around us are a product of the seeds within our own minds and so are the people.

True yoga is the search for a worldview that actually works to bring people happiness.

Our world is a product of the seeds within our own minds.  Just wanting to help a single other person alters these seeds drastically.

Don’t be naïve and believe that thoughts stop just because the body stops.

Money karma can be amazing.  Money isn’t made at a federal facility somewhere.  The  value of the world economy – every single cent of it – is created by respecting other people’s things.

It’s no surprise that, karmically speaking (which is the only way that works any way), we can get the kind of relationship we want with someone… only by being very careful not to damage other people’s relationships.

The habit of watching out for possible angels among us graduates into direct encounters with these beings.

It really is true that there is no school like being put into difficult situations and learning to excel because of them.

If we are doing our yoga exercises correctly then, inside channels open up, which actually causes us to think more clearly and kindly.  If you’re not getting this effect with your yoga, then you’re not doing it properly.

To make meditation perfect, it’s not enough to simply mentally stare at something like our breath for a long time.  The mind even then is making its constant, deadly error, and we must fix it or come to the end of our life unfulfilled. As we meditate we need to strive to see that one thing that is simply… missing, clear gone.  We need to realize that nothing is anything; that is, even the hotness of a fire never belonged to it. It is I who make the fire hot.