Thursday 1 March 2018

Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson

All quotes from Marianne's book

We can withdraw our faith in the thought forms that have guided us to where we are, realizing their complete inadequacy to guide us where we would like to go.  

Love heals the world by healing our minds, for that which is healed on the level of consciousness is healed on the level of ultimate cause.

Every problem reflects an unforgiveness.

New beginnings are possible anywhere.

This is not a time to wait for angels, but to actively become them.  Indeed, we are waiting for something that is waiting for us.

The only way to achieve an excellent life is to be willing to be excellent.

When we realize our mission is to love and forgive, we realize that every situation is an opportunity to do so.

We cannot change anything unless we ourselves are willing to change, for whatever problem we see in the world is only there as a reflection of our own internal state. 

We cannot give what we do not have; we cannot bring peace to the world if we ourselves are not peaceful.

We do not need to push life so much as we need to experience it more elegantly, to be motivated more by inspiration than by ambition.

When we’re aligned with our own spiritual essence, the world is a safer place to be.  Remaining serene within ourselves, we become magnets for harmony and peace in the world.

What is not love… is a call for love.

The more still you become, the more the universe moves into powerful action on your behalf.  Forces you will never be consciously aware of begin to move in your direction.  The less still you are--- the more emotionally and mentally fidgety you are – the more the universe stays stuck in old patterns of energy, reflecting the general chaos of your own psyche.

As long as love is not our top priority, we will continue to manifest a world of pain.

The tenor of your being, not your doing, is what establishes the pathways of energy that run through your life experience. 

It has been said that when the Buddha comes again, he will arrive not as a person but as a commodity.