Wednesday 13 June 2018

Be Like Water: Practical Wisdom from the Martial Arts by Joseph Cardillo

Close your eyes.  Eyes can be deceptive.  You have to learn how to see with your skin. 

Life is constantly demanding solutions to one thing or another.  Nevertheless, stay calm, control your urges, and actively wait: go for a jog, take a drive, chop wood, listen to music, wash and put away dishes, sweep a floor – anything you can do to slowly get your mind off the urgency.  If you have to, act as though you have already taken care of the problem, until you actually do – just to get your mind off of it.

Always identify your priorities, whether you are conducting a business transaction, dealing with personal relationships, or considering matters of physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  Consider the net gains of your actions.  Don’t become anxious.  Don’t move just to move.  Stay cool.   Look for the real targets.  Pick your move. 

It is better to harmonize yang (hardness, fullness, action, productivity) with yin (softness, emptiness, nonaction, reproductivity) and redirect.

Always identify your priorities, whether you are conducting a business transaction, dealing with personal relationships, or considering matters of physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  Consider the net gains of your actions.  Don’t become anxious. Don’t move just to move.  Stay cool.  Look for the real targets.

Anger is your enemy. Avoid assumptions about yourself and others.  Don’t assume you know what’s going to happen before it does.  Be alert and widen your vision.  Practice active nonaction. Generate positive energy.  Trust yourself.