Tuesday 4 September 2018

Living an Inspired Life: Your Ultimate Calling by Wayne Dyer

Remind yourself “My life is bigger than I am.”

Becoming inspired requires our being curious about, and attentive to, feelings that emerge to help us reconnect with our original self.

If we can remember that we’re responsible for what we’re attracting, we can then eliminate the negative energy we wallow in.

Expect the best, expect guidance, expect your fortunes to change, expect a miracle.

The answer to how is yes.

The purpose of dancing – and of life – is to enjoy every moment and every step, regardless of where we are when the music ends.

If we want to move from disenchantment to inspiration, or from apathy and indifference to passion and enthusiasm, then it’s necessary to alter our awareness of ourselves.

If our daily activities are so overwhelming that we don’t make [joy, love & peace] our priority, then we’re disregarding the value of living a simple life.

Regardless of our current station in life, we have a spiritual contract to make joy our constant companion.

We must learn to make a conscious choice to say no to anything that takes us away from an inspired life.

We deserve to feel joy – it’s our spiritual calling.

If we organize our life around love – for god, for ourselves, for family and friend, for all human kind, and for the environment – we’ll remove a lot of the chaos and disorder that defines our life.

You get what you think about, whether you want it or not.

Each and every one of us represents God or Spirit revealing itself here on the planet.

When see things in our world that we label evil, what we’re really seeing are people moving away from their source.

To become inspired on a daily basis, we must be able to quickly identify any thoughts that are moving us way from our source, and then shift the direction.

We need to bring love to the presence of hatred.

Commit to at least one daily experience where you share something of yourself with no expectation of being acknowledge or thanked.